
This Funny Game

Today I'd like to hear from you guys. What's the funniest golf story you know? I'm sure we all have some good ones and it's always fun to share. Just leave a comment on this post with your story so we can all get a good laugh. I'll start...

I was out with some guys from work and wasn't playing that great. We got to the last hole and I was determined to hit one good drive that day. I didn't, so like any other guy trying to get my money's worth, I teed up another ball and gave it one last shot. My swing felt off, as it had all day, and when I looked up, I saw the ball going straight down the middle of the fairway, but I also immediately noticed a couple of problems. First, the shot was very low and clearly wasn't going to get very much distance, and second, the ball looked an awful lot like the head of my driver...


Anonymous said...

Scene: First tee at Ponte Vedra-when the first tee was right below a window in the informal snack bar.
WHO: My boss, who was 240 or 250 - all of it muscle - and a former Olympic oarsman in the 8-man sculls - teed off from the white tees; the shot is an absolute rocket about 3-4 inches off the ground and resoundingly smacks the end of the ladies' tee marker and, now in reverse rebounds straight past me (standing well back from the white markers)and finally stops rolling abiut 20 yards BACK from where it was driven. All of this happening in a very fast sequence; boss is now hitting two from some 20 yards back from where he started and the people who are in the dining room cannot figure out what happened.

Shane said...

Thats awesome. We always joke about the negative drive, and I've almost seen it happen once. Nice story.