
Update to the PGA Tour cut rule

The controversial new cut rule that was first introduced to the PGA Tour at this season's Sony Open has been updated. Many players complained about the new rule because it allowed for a player to make the cut, but not play on the weekend.

The idea was that if more that 78 players were included in the "top 70 and ties" that typically make the cut, some would receive credit for a made cut and last place money, but not play the weekend rounds.

The PGA Tour's reasons for doing this were to reduce the amount of time needed to complete weekend rounds, but it obviously rankled the players who felt that they should be allowed the chance to improve their position on the weekend.

Tour officials today announced a compromise. All players that make the cut would play on saturday and then another cut would be made at the "top 70 and ties" level. This third round cut will allow players the chance to improve their positions while also allowing for more manageable Sunday rounds.

The new changes will be in effect this week at The Honda Classic. Tour officials also announced that they will consider simply making the cut at 65 and ties in the future to avoid the double cuts.

Two thoughts:

Firstly, all Yahoo fantasy golf participants will need to be aware of third round cuts so as to avoid having players in the lineup that are not playing on Sunday.

Secondly, if the PGA Tour officials have the ability to change the rules mid-season then why not do it right and go to the 65 and ties cuts right now? I'm sure the prize money would have to be updated due to the decrease of final round finishers but it would be far less confusing to the casual fan, especially if they are probably going to go to this model eventually anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good article...I copied it and posted it onto my other golf league to help out other players to figure out the cut rule.

Mad Hackers